We are just another family in Chennai, Working in IT and consuming whatever we got as food. To be honest we were very careless and took things for granted. Slowly we forgot what the actual purpose of food is and started consuming food for Taste and Fancy. Our food habits change a lot we liked eating seedless fruits, Synthetic Oil, we though branded products are of good quality and ended up eating the worst food possible.

We are dedicated to FNN (Fresh, Natural and Healthy) Products. We manufacture all our products without added preservatives, Added coloring agent or Sweeteners.

We believe in Our Ancestors good it right, Food is medicine, and as medicine it heals. By reconnecting with the foods that make us healthy—and made our ancestors healthy too—there is no reason why we can’t thrive, manage chronic illness and lead fulfilled lives.

Our Vision

Bring back the concept of “Food be thy medicine” Bring back all the healthy formulae of our ancestors. Products that creates wellness and is best for nature as well.

Our Mission

Our Unique selling Proposition Most Popular brands
Natural and Toxin Free Added Preservatives
Manufacturer to customer directly Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Distributor and Retailer
No added Colors, Preservative and Flavours Added colors and Flavors
Freshness our aim to deliver Products within a week or two maximums, in many cases we are following Made to order strategy so the customers get the products fresh Manufactured In bulk and it takes minimum of 30- 60 days from the date manufactured till it reaches retail shop


Peliamma International Healthy Living Tips

  • Avoid White Sugar and start using Jaggery, Palm Sugar
  • Avoid Packet milk and consume Cow Milk directly from where it is milked
  • Try to eat pulses and Grains like Horse Gram, Ragi, Bamboo Rice etc.
  • Please avoid seeing Electronic Gadget Screen at least 30 minutes before sleeping
  • Charge your phone at least 3 meters away from where you sleep
  • Have a shower before hitting bed
  • Start your day with walking or Yoga.
  • Try to eat when only when Hungry
  • Do Not drink water while you eat, Drink water 30 Minutes after you eat
  • Avoid Dinning table and try to eat sitting in Floor
  • Avoid Spoons and eat with hands
  • Avoid Iodized Salt and start using Crystal Salt
  • Fasting once a week helps in Detoxing the body
  • Avoid RO purified water drink Boiled Bore water

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